Government Lease Land
Our seriousness towards building food forests has pushed us to knock the doors of Governmental bodies. We have plans of reaching out to state government to seek Government Land on lease. We are expecting governmental support, including dedicated electricity feeder and round the clock water supply to ensure smooth transition of barren land to food forest.
Our team has already got active in finding Governmental land that is not being used. We are already looking through the properties on the Government’s unused land list and started negotiating lease rates on the land. Our motto is to find Government lease land that is available for farming at reasonable rates. By way of building food forest, we intend to sow plants that either have medicinal properties or produce food for us.
We embrace Governmental support in this noble cause. You can also help us find government land on reasonable lease rates. If you know any such land or have any contacts with governmental land leasing institutions, you can feel free to contact us. You can visit our contact us page to learn contact details.