Mela Activities

Mela by Greenothon

  • Greenothon, for the last 2 years has been focusing on the Plantation Drives only, with time & witnessing the emerging environmental challenges, the founding team at Greenothon decided to cater to these environmental challenges too. Challenges such as Drinkable Water Problems, Excess of Plastic Waste, and Misuse of Electricity are just to name the few.
  • Greenothon initiated a new project called MELA (Making Earth Livable, Again). The whole idea is to choose or pick these areas and start immediate actions to rectify or resolve or correct these problems. The “SCALE” does not matter to us, “START” does & as quoted “Better Late, Than Never”, from starting planting single plant to plantation drives & then growing of FOOD FOREST, gives us an unmatchable energy to give back to society.
  • MELA, not only caters to planting plants, we have initiated projects where we will be cleaning and reviving water bodies at village levels & then at higher scale. We are in talks with NGO’s who are working on waste management & will soon start “Waste to Life” project, where the waste will be reusable by making new products from it. Our intention is to connect like minded set of people & organization, who can join hands with us in revival of our Mother Earth. Jai Hind……..

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